Adam Coville, Author
Author of the Oriminthia novels
30 Apr 24
  • Act 1 of Lord of Ashes is drafted! 35,000 words. I am taking a short break before getting straight into Act 2, but do not despair. I am doing some more detailed outlining and plan to get into it in the next few days.
  • Book Bloggers Novel of the Year is in the last few days before submissions are closed and the battle begins. The submissions are for the first 2,000 and first 10,000 words and I'm really quite happy with how that shaped up for Exile's Road. I put a lot of love into the hook and I think the panelists will be hard pressed to put the book down after that. There's a lot of great authors in the lineup and I'm excited to see how it plays out. Go have a look here.

    Book Bloggers Novel of the Year
  • Reading Nook was kind enough to grant me an interview, where I got to ramble on about my writing process, my influences and my dream cast if Exile's Road got a film production. You can read it here

    Reading Nook Interview
  • The comic seems to have taken a diversion into Hellenic antiquity. I'm not sure how that happened, except that the Lemnos part of Jason and the Argonauts (the book) always struck me as extremely silly. By the time I felt I'd done all the heroes and Gods depicted in that panel justice, I'd invested way too much design work to leave it at just one panel. Next will be a couple about Orpheus.
  • Exile's Road front cover
    Unification War vol 1: Exile's Road
    status:New Release
    Exile's Road is book #1 of the Unification War, and the debut novel in the world of Oriminthia. It follows the story of Lenalia, a young elven mage who is unjustly exiled from her Kingdom. It is a tale of high fantasy, political intrigue, war, betrayal, romance and gods. Now available in paperback and digital editions.
  • Get new comics weekly. Early access subscribers on Patreon can get them Sunday. They go public 24 hours later. These are available at the comic link above and also on the socials links in the footer.

    I blog about my writing process, politics, economics, technology, my life as an expat in Australia and other things that interest me. These will usually come out monthly.

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